Have your say on electoral reform

Start 2017 by telling the government why you want electoral reform. There are several easy ways to have your say. If you need some background first, check out the reference sources at bottom:

  1. Complete the mydemocracy.ca survey--the more Canadians that complete it, the harder it will be to ignore--but read the questions carefully and consider ignoring the caveats and answering the base question.
  2. Write a message on your MyDemocracy postcard and mail it back to the Prime Minister, Minister Monsef or our MP. While you’re at it, share a picture of your response.
  3. Write a letter to the editor in response to an article or opinion piece on electoral reform.
  4. Write to our MP, Karen McCrimmon. If you attended Karen's town hall on electoral reform last spring, you know that she understands the need for proportional representation. But we must remind her, and ensure she takes that message to caucus on behalf of us, her constituents. Tell Karen why you want electoral reform. And if you voted strategically last year, tell her that too.


Here are some handy sources on electoral reform:

  • FairVote Canada has lots of handy information, including these tips on interpreting and answering the government's survey.
  • Elizabeth May and the rest of the Special Committee on Electoral Reform prepared a thorough and informative report that you can read it here.
  • Samara is dedicated to education and civic engagement of Canadians about our government and politics. Check out their primer on electoral reform.
  • LeadNow's VoteBetter campaign is dedicated to informing Canadians about electoral reform.
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